The structural design of the burial vault supports the weight of the earth above the casket by:
1. The weight and design of the vault
2. Use of reinforced concrete
3. The use of sealing and lining materials
The weight of the earth above a grave can exert tremendous pressure. Mechanical equipment, backhoes and delivery trucks can exceed 25,000 pounds as they pass over the grave. Doric burial vaults weigh between 2,300 and 2,700 pounds. They are designed to support these tremendous forces from above.
Some of the most important reinforcement in burial vaults lies in the vault cover. The covers of Doric Vaults employ primary and secondary reinforcement to help support the loads from above. In addition, the design of the burial vault cover and carapace distributes pressure from above evenly over the vault surface. Additional reinforcement is placed in the concrete itself.
The use of lining and sealing materials places the most efficient resources available between the outside forces of weight and water and the casket that has been placed inside. Linings and butyl seals merge the cover and base of the vault into a water-resistant unit. They work together to keep the effects of outside elements from damaging the casket and its contents. |